The light, easy-to-use electric Cable Hoist can be operated by one man or a gang. It can lift up to 15 tiles per load, is powered by a 3/4H.P. electric motor, and has a 12 volt control system.

The light, easy-to-use electric Cable Hoist can be operated by one man or a gang. It can lift up to 15 tiles per load, is powered by a 3/4H.P. electric motor, and has a 12 volt control system.

Cable Hoists come in four standard lengths:

one section Cable Hoist – 16ft (4.8mtrs) total length

two section Cable Hoist – 28ft (8.5mtrs) total length – (folds at 16ft)

three section Cable Hoist – 40ft (12.2mtrs) total length

four section Cable Hoist – 52ft (15.8mtrs) total length

Tiles are placed on the trolley at the base of the unit. When the start button is pressed the trolley takes the tiles to the upper end of the machine where they are automatically lifted from the trolley and held while the trolley returns to the base unit. The trolley can be stopped at any point.

Until the tiles are removed from the lifting arms at the top of the machine, no further tiles can be transported to the top, thus allowing the tiler to work at the speed of his choice.

A two section Cable Hoist consists of a four foot long base unit weighing 90kg (198 Ibs), plus a twelve foot middle section 15kgs (33 lbs), and a 12ft top section with an Adjustable Bend 28kg (61 lbs).

The adjustable bend allows the top 4ft. of the unit to bend to an angle of up to 45 degrees, allowing for easier, safer tile removal and less back strain.

Each Cable Hoist can be lengthened with the addition of extra 6ft or 12ft sections.

A hand-rail around the base of the Cable Hoist makes unloading your hoist from your trailer or truck much easier.

Assembly time on site is approximately 5 minutes for one man


With the use of inverter technology, we have developed a Cable Hoist that can speed up the loading process by delivering the trolley back to the base at over two times the speed it went up at. This function can be turned off when using your hoist for strip and re-tile.


Using your hoist as a folding machine makes it very quick and easy to set-up – just unfold, ensure the wire rope is around the pulleys, and away you go!


The number of tiles delivered to the roof by a standard 28ft Cable Hoist varies between 1080 per hour (6 tiles per lift) and 2160 per hour (12 tiles per lift). When used in Rapid-Return mode the Cable Hoist can deliver up to 2800 tiles per hour.

ALL Cable Hoists are in stock at RTR and can be displayed at any time.