Looking For A Roof Tile?
Concrete Roof Tiles
If you are in search of a Concrete Roof Tile, bringing a sample with you- even if it is a broken sample- can help us determine what exactly you’re after. This is always the best option, however with Concrete Roof Tiles, most of the time a photograph of the front and the back is all we require to find you an exact match. Concrete Roof Tiles are a much easier tile to match as they do not vary in size if made by the same manufacturer. We want to make sure we send you home with the correct product, so there are no issues with them not fitting or causing any further problems/leaks.
Let’s take the case of these two images in the picture displayed. On the left side both the tiles look almost similar. You can tell no big difference between the two of them. But on the right side as you turn them over you can see that they belong to two different companies, and in fact are two different lengths, so it’s always best to get an exact fit for your roof tile.
Would you like our help to find you the perfect concrete tile? Then just click below to fill in our enquiry form. Or give us a call on (02)97563350 and we would be happy to help.

Terracotta Roof Tiles
Bringing a sample tile for a Terracotta Roof Tile is ALWAYS the best option. Terracotta tiles pre 1970’s all look the same to the naked eye but they are in fact the hardest to match, as there were an abundance of manufacturers back in the day as opposed to now. They all look identical but in fact they vary in size the most- even if made by the same manufacturer in some instances- and hence the customers skip the part where they carry along a sample of the tile. We have a 99.99% chance of getting you the correct tile even if it may not be made by the same company. As long as we have a sample to work with, we can find something in store to make sure you go home with an exact substitute for your roof without compromise.
As you can see from these images, both Terracotta Roof Tiles look nearly identical to the naked eye but neither of these two tiles pictured would work with one another due to a few factors. Once they are turned over, you can see in the image of them upside down, that they are in fact made by two entirely different companies. Hence why, when searching for a Terracotta Roof Tile it is vital you bring a sample with you.
Would you like our help to find you the perfect terracotta tile? Then just click below to fill in our enquiry form. Or give us a call on (02)97563350 and we would be happy to help.

I Am Unsure
Please fill in the enquiry form below with photographs front and back of the Roof Tile on your house, if possible please see below on “How To Measure A Roof Tile” and add the width and length measurements so we can use this information to identify the exact product you need.
How To Measure A Roof Tile
How to measure the width of a roof tile?
Carefully observe the pictures given on the left and right side. While measuring the width of a concrete or terracotta roof tile, always keep in mind to leave out the watercourse.

How to measure the length of a roof tile?
When it comes to measuring the length of a terracotta or a concrete roof tile, you can measure from the top to the bottom without leaving anything out.